About The New Earth
Defining the New Earth
・Harmony of All Existence:Every being, from humans to animals, to minerals, and even galactic beings, coexists in a state of balance and mutual respect with no boundaries among them. What you think and feel is what others think and feel.
・Flow of Abundance:In all forms—love, joy, resources, and opportunities—flows effortlessly to everyone, ensuring that all needs are met and potential is realized.
・Feeling-Based Life:Decisions and actions are driven by the wisdom of the soul and the authenticity of feelings, rather than mere intellectual reasoning, leading to more genuine and fulfilling experiences.
・Deeper Connection to the Universe:Individuals cultivate a profound relationship with the universe, experiencing a sense of unity with the cosmos and its infinite possibilities.
・Authenticity:Each person’s unique essence and individuality are honored and celebrated in a world where everyone is free to express themselves and is appreciated for their authentic self, promoting a culture of mutual respect and authenticity.
The Role of the New Earth Project
The role of the New Earth Project is to serve as a bridge to connect directly or indirectly with individuals, external projects, and communities, etc. that are dedicated to the growth of the soul and create the world with love and unity. By holding hands, it becomes possible to transmit light to all beings, including the ones that do not resonate with the New Earth directly in terms of frequency, and thus enable to guide them to the source of the universe and the frequency of the New Earth.

The Land of the rising sun
Why Japan?
There is a reason why Japan is called “the Land of the Rising Sun.” It is a country of harmony and will be the center of the next civilization, according to the laws of Gaia (different from Gaia theory). The information was channeled by Issei Senga at the Eridu site in Iraq in August 2003 and is available in Japanese. The template for the 5D “space” is currently being created in Japan and will be applied to the world. Japan, where most of its citizens are still “asleep,” is being challenged shift the collective consciousness to the higher dimensions as guiding its citizens awaken while developing the template for the new Earth/world. At the same time, the world is being challenged to learn how to unite, share, help, and respect one another, like how people are in Japan, being humble each other, without borders throughout the ascension process especially until 2028. Everything is unfolding perfectly according to the flow of the universe. More information will be disclosed from Japan.
the center of the next civilization
The Law of Gaia
It reveals the movement of civilization in 800-year cycles. This information was downloaded to a Japanese man, Mr. Chiga, while he was sightseeing at the Eridu ruins. He met a “Sumerian Priest” who lectured him while in a trance.
The next is Japan. (EAST : 135 degrees)
The center of the civilization is at a location of 22.5 degrees to the west / east of longitude every 1611 years (west civilization to the west, and east civilization to the east, and it alternates).
Summary of the past civilization according to the laws of Gaia.
The West
The oldest human civilization, Sumerian (Iraq: 45 degrees) → pre-Indus civilization (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan: 67.5 degrees) → Mesopotamian civilization (part of Iraq: 45 degrees) → Greek civilization (Greece: 22.5 degrees) → Egypt and Rome and then further to Europe and Anglo-Saxon civilization (UK and United States: 0 degrees).
The East
Sumerian civilization (45 degrees) → Indus civilization (67.5 degrees) → Ganges civilization (India: 90 degrees) → Tang civilization (China: 112.5 degrees) → and JAPAN (135 degrees).
More Essentially, Fluidly, Inclusively, and Realistically:
The cosmic cycle lasts about 26,000 years. Earth is currently transitioning—right at this very moment—from an era of control (darkness) to a new age of freedom (light). Just as we have will, Earth also has will, and it is being reborn into a vibration (New Earth) that aligns with the new age. And we, the inhabitants of this beautiful planet, will create the new age. The kind of new age we create depends on us.
The truth of the universe is so breathtakingly beautiful that it can only be truly experienced (understood) by tapping into senses beyond the five emotions. When each individual’s vibration continues to align with the high frequencies of the New Earth, it becomes a collective consciousness, projected as reality. The boundaries between ourselves, others, and everything outside will dissolve, and we will exist in a dimension where we feel united with all existence while inhabiting physical bodies. Everything will be harmonized and merged, and the energy of abundance will flow freely.
Everything is reversing. From darkness to light. From the outside to the inside. From dependence to independence. From control to freedom. The foundations of economy, politics, and lifestyle will all shift. “Everything has a process” is one of the truths of the universe, and within this process of “reversal,” there is destruction and rebirth. In other words, the shift from control to freedom won’t happen in an instant. It involves a process. Especially up until 2028, we can consider this period as one for experiencing that process. How quickly, smoothly, and joyfully we move through it will be determined by the will and actions of each one of us. In other words, the more people raise their vibrations with strong intent, the sooner the world of harmony will manifest.
While plants, animals, minerals, and extraterrestrial life continue to raise their vibrations in alignment with the flow of the universe, many humans, after maintaining heavy frequencies for so long and reincarnating through many lifetimes, have forgotten their true essence. We have even stopped seeking the consciousness to remember it. The universe exists because we exist, and vice versa. We exist because the universe exists. Now, in this grand cosmic event, the time has come for us to align with the universe, remember our essence, and live from our souls. This is the incredible mystical timeline we are now entering.
Science, spirituality, all systems, and all fields will unite. The cells of the Earth are us, and each of our physical cells is like an innumerable number of planets and even universes. When everything exists in its true essence, the source of the universe, which we couldn’t feel before, will finally be experienced by us in these small bodies, after countless years of waiting. This mystical beauty cannot be expressed in words; it is something each individual will experience when they first reach the deep, inner cosmic realm. This experience can only be felt by us, as we exist on the high-vibration New Earth in physical bodies. And to reach this, all beings on Earth must attain the same high-vibration frequency. Everything depends on you, and on us.